Tuesday, May 27, 2008

Still Here............For Now

Willie Randolph emerged from his meeting with ownership still the manager of the Mets and still on the hot seat. When he was summoned to the offices of Owner (and Lafayette alumn) Fred Wilpon everyone speculated a firing or some kind of punishment but in the end it was just to discuss Willie's comments made last week. That is absolutley absurd because to hold a meeting for a team in dire need of help and only discuss comments that were news for about a day and a half is crazy. Willie is doing an okay job this season but all the scrutiny is from their spectacular collapse last year and in a way that is not fair. Also what upset me is the fact that they said that only the media had high expectations but in my view so did Omar Minaya because he wouldn't have spent all that money if he didn't think they would be good or in contention. This team feels nothing like teams past. In 2006 they could be down 10-0 in the last inning and you still felt like they could come back but this year if they get down 2-0 in the first it feels like the whole game is finished.

Friday, May 23, 2008


The Chicago Bulls got the first overalll pick in the 2008 draft. The other day I was watching the draft lottery to see what the draft would look like, the Miami Heat had the highest percentage to obtain the first pick. My favorite team the Chicago Bulls had a 1.7% chance to get the first pick. To my suprise they got the first pick and I was exited to say the least. With this luck The Chicago Bulls look to be picking from a very tyalented but young field. I think that th bst fit for their current system is Kevin Love th 7 foot center from UCLA. I say this bcuause of th fact that thir only center is Aaron Gray, I know,who's Aaron Gray? Evn though Michael"Beastley"Beasly is the sexy pick it would intefere with th devlopment of Joakim Noah, the power forward they drafted in last yars first round and they traded for Drew Gooden this season. O.J.Mayo is good but he dosen't have as much experience or talent asBenGordon,Kirk Hinrich or Larry Hughes., Kevin Love would give the Bulls that defensive presence that they have missed since they traded Tyson Chandler to New Orleans. Not to mention that the jersey will look great hugging all of Love's fat.

Tuesday, May 20, 2008

WHAT THE HELL???!!!!!!!

Yoooo, I know that Michael Vick did a very bad thing but people have to take it easy. I mean every body is just attacking him. All he did was kill a bunch of dogs, I'm not saying thats a good thing but it's not the worst he can do. People put lives in danger and barely get any time. People have more sympathy for murderers. It was terrible what happened but he put no ones life in danger. And this picture is quite hilarious but WOW!!!

My Favorite Players

Friday, May 16, 2008

Surprises of the first few months of the baseball season

The biggest and most obvious surprise is of course the Tampa Bay Rays. They are 7 games over five - hundred and in first place in the toughest division,the A.L. East. I think that they are doing so well because of the lack of steroids. This year there have been much less long balls because of, what i think is, the mlb's actions against cheaters. Games are not being decided by a three-run walk-off shot but rather by small ball moves. This season has been chock-full-of surprises and looks to have some more in store.
Vote on my poll for the home run king and who ever you pick I will discuss what I think about them.

Tuesday, May 13, 2008

Conner's World

Welcome to my blog!!!! This blog is about all the current sports topics,whatever I want to talk about and of course L.E.C. baseball. I am the captain of the team and right now we're 5-1.

Visit back or leave a comment about what you ant to hear me talk about. I will talk about serious topics and put a humorous spin on them. Thanks


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