Friday, May 23, 2008


The Chicago Bulls got the first overalll pick in the 2008 draft. The other day I was watching the draft lottery to see what the draft would look like, the Miami Heat had the highest percentage to obtain the first pick. My favorite team the Chicago Bulls had a 1.7% chance to get the first pick. To my suprise they got the first pick and I was exited to say the least. With this luck The Chicago Bulls look to be picking from a very tyalented but young field. I think that th bst fit for their current system is Kevin Love th 7 foot center from UCLA. I say this bcuause of th fact that thir only center is Aaron Gray, I know,who's Aaron Gray? Evn though Michael"Beastley"Beasly is the sexy pick it would intefere with th devlopment of Joakim Noah, the power forward they drafted in last yars first round and they traded for Drew Gooden this season. O.J.Mayo is good but he dosen't have as much experience or talent asBenGordon,Kirk Hinrich or Larry Hughes., Kevin Love would give the Bulls that defensive presence that they have missed since they traded Tyson Chandler to New Orleans. Not to mention that the jersey will look great hugging all of Love's fat.

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